Saturday 15 April 2017


Be that GIRL who wakes up with Purpose and intent.

Three Things You Cannot recover in Life; the moment after it's missed, the word after it's said, and the time after it's wasted.

You've got to STOP watering dead plants. Isn't it pathetic how you WASTE so much time on certain things and in the end it proves that it wasn't even worth a second of it.

Be that GIRL who shows up and NEVER gives up

Inhale confidence and exhale doubt.
Your failure does not mean that's the end.It shows that you can do more than that.

Don't be AFRAID of storms, for you are learning to sail your SHIP.( Hihii are you sure? You learning? Be sincere)

It shows that you have good things inside of you. And that you should really let them out. See failure as one of the strategies one needs to undertake for success.

Be that GIRL who believes anything is Possible.

Being a girl is cool, but it isn't always easy!! For no good reason, girls are not always given the same chances as boys.

For example in some countries girls are not offered an education. They believe the GIRL CHILD's place is in the Kitchen whiles BOYS go to school.

But remember Girl; that you would grow up to be the mother in the house. The future belongs to those who believe in the BEAUTY of their dreams. So just BELIEVE you can!!

Be that GIRL who thinks anything is POSSIBLE and is willing to WORK for it.

Never dream about success, work for it. Don't be like the rest of them!!




One early morning, when I was so much in a hurry for class, I bumped into this young beautiful girl who was secretly trying to run from home to meet someone.She nearly pushed me into a nearby gutter.

After saying "SORRY" to me.....There were so many questions going through my mind that time where was she so much in a hurry to go?Is she also late for class as I am? Or is she late for an important meeting? Well I was very impressed with her aggressiveness in trying to do anything possible even pushing someone into a gutter.

Hmm whiles I was also thinking of how to also be more focused and aggressive like her in attaining my goals in life, surprisingly I saw my so called "role model" hugging and doing all sources of so called "Romantic things" with one of the swine area boys who goes around abusing girls anyhow.

Eeei!!! I exclaimed, was she in a hurry just to meet this guy or she is in the process of advising him to make a change in his life?? How can someone whom I saw as a "role model" some few minutes turn into a "scandal"? Hmm I thought I have met one of the girls I have been waiting to meet in life for so long. But see she has even done the worse of it all..

Hello GIRLS wake up and shine your eyes. You are so beautiful and special to engage in such things.STOP LYING to mummy and daddy and stick to their advice. You will tell them you are going for class meanwhile you are on your way to meet your so called "boyfriend" Remember that you can deceive your parents and not GOD.He is your heavenly parent.He is mightier and more powerful than your earthly parents so imagine how big the punishment is going to be.... Yes I know you are afraid of what daddy and mummy will do to you when they find out you are in your so called "RELATIONSHIP" and that's why you always sneaks, lie and make such filthy excuses to meet him. Have you ever considered the punishment from God?And He is up there looking at you and hoping for a change. So HURRY because You are killing yourself and your future slowly. BE WISE!

Aaaah!!! Can't you think of it??"YOU ARE BEING SO CHEAP" Be PRICELESS AND VALUE YOUR DIGNITY AND PRIDE GIRL!!!!How can the maize be chasing after the cock?? You always waste your time on makeups trying to look beautiful for him. You be there; go to class and see how he is also seriously reading his books and making impact in life.

He will come around later when he is tired to flatter you with his "sugary supposed words".Go to his house and see how he is protecting his sisters from boys like him. See how he is advising his sisters to stay away from taking a boyfriend.And you are there wasting your life on him. BE WISE!!

Hihi or is it because he tells you how beautiful you are?? Hello sweetheart do you need someone to really tell you that?? You were created by the KING our dear Lord Jesus Christ in His own image and likeness. So then why? Don't tell me it is love because the only true love is the LOVE of God. It is LUST...Ask yourself why these boys always break up with you and dump you whenever they have their way ( Having Sex with You) ?? Ooh!! RISE UP AND SHINE!!.

You will be the same person to go to Church that early morning, pray, sing and listen to the Word of God. Who are you trying to deceived? God or Man?? BE CAREFUL!! God is never MOCKED!

The Bible says Jesus Christ was ill-treated and crucified. And forgiveness of sins is one of the benefits we receive from this sacrifice.. COME to HIM and ask for forgiveness. He is ready to receive you. Many have realised their fault and found their rest in Christ Jesus.

This also goes to you boys..STOP deceiving the innocent girls you know deep down in your heart that you are never going to marry them. But to take advantage of her. Imagine someone doing the same to your sister? Don't only advice your SISTER. Advise yourself and that innocent GIRL you are deceiving!!

And to you Beautiful GIRLS out there. Remain pure and Holy under the teaches of the Holy Bible.God is preparing for you a very decent and Special man for you in the future. Don't spoil this special plans God has in store for you. SATAN is a LIAR!! STAY BLESSED!

*Read and Share it* You could be saving the future woman of God,lawyer,doctor,midwife and the like from DESTRUCTION!

Thank you...


Monday 10 April 2017


Listen!! Wisdom is calling out in the streets and market places, 
Calling loudly at the city gates and wherever people come together. 

How long do you want to be foolish?
How long will you enjoy making fun of knowledge?

Will you never learn? Listen when I reprimand you;
I will give you good advice and share my knowledge with you.

I have been calling you, Inviting you to come,But you would not listen.
You pay no attention to me.

You ignore all my advice and have not been willing to let me correct you.
So when you get into trouble, I will laugh at you.

I will make fun of you when terror strikes.
When it comes on you will like a storm,bringing fierce winds of trouble
And you are in pain and misery then,you will call for wisdom but
I won't answer you.

You may look everywhere, but you will not find me.
You have never had any use for knowledge and have always REFUSED TO OBEY THE LORD.

You never want my advice or paid any attention when I correct you.
So then, you will get what you deserve, and your own actions will make you sick.

Inexperienced people die because they reject WISDOM. 
STUPID people are destroyed by their own lack of concern.

But whoever LISTENS to me will have security.
It will be safe, with no reason to be afraid.